Please click the photo to read the Article in Edition 9

DiveIn Magazine: Updated with current 2022 and 2023 trips

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August 2022 "Our New Zealand Host"

By: Joe Burke

Please click the photo to read the Article in Edition 9 
DiveIn Magazine: Updated with current 2022 and 2023 trips
Our Digital View is FREE, Enjoy!

August 2022, "Bonnie Row Memorial-Blue Fin 2022"
By Terry Maas

Please click the photo to read the Article in Edition9

DiveIn Magazine: Updated with current 2022 and 2023 trips

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August 2022, "Blue Fin Delight" 

By Austin Balk

Please See the Article in DiveIn Magazine: August 2022 Issue 

"Letter from the Founder. Diving For A Cause, For Me, It Comes From the Heart"

​By: Colleen Gallagher

Please See the Article in Dive In Magazine:

May 2014 Issue

"What's It's All About" by Dr. Terry Maas

Please see the Article in Dive In Magazine: June 2016 

"I Am Back"

By: Colleen Gallagher

Dive In  Magazine, Our Digital View is FREE, click the Pictures to view the stories

DiveIn Issue 1

Please click the photo to read the Article in Edition 9

DiveIn Magazine: Updated with current 2022 and 2023 trips

Our Digital View is FREE, Enjoy!

August 2022, "Panama Bound"

​By Krista Hollbrook

DiveIn Issue 4

DiveIn Issue 7

DiveIn Issue 6

Please click the photo to read the Article in Edition 9

DiveIn Magazine: Updated with current 2022 and 2023 trips

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August 2022, "Unique Encounters in Panama"

​By David Bond

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DiveIn Issue 2

DiveIn Issue 8

DiveIn Issue 5

DiveIn Issue 3

Please click the photo to read the Article in Edition 9 DiveIn Magazine: ​​Updated with current 2022 and 2023 trips

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August 2022 " Second Harvest Food Bank in New Orleans"

By: Megan Nusimer

Please See the Article in Edition 9

DiveIn Magazine: Updated with current 2022 and 2023 trips

August 2022, "Freedive and Conditioning Program in Italy with DFAC"

​By: Roberto Pusinelli